
Adaferin Gel

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Adaferin Gel

Generic: Adapalene


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Buy Adaferin Gel Online

Adaferin is a topical retinoid mainly used for the treatment of mild to moderate acne. It is also used as anoff-label treatment of keratosis pilarisand other skin related problems. It is a derivative or synthetic version of vitamin A. This gel is very beneficial for rejuvenation and renewing of your skin. Before applying this medication on the affected area, always wash your hand with a mild soap. Adaferin 0.1% is effective for the treatment of severe acne in children at the age of 12 years. This medication has both the properties of exfoliation of dead cells and anti-inflammatory action.

Additional Information

Dosage No
Side Effects No
precaution No
Blog No

How does Adaferin work?

When this medication is applied, it works by inhibiting the proliferation and differentiation of keratinocytes under the outer layer of the skin. The inhibition of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation leads to comedolytic effect of this medication. The Comedolytic effect is regarded as a combined effect of both anti-inflammatory action and exfoliation of the dead cells. Thus it improves the acne.

What are the indications of Adaferin?

  • Mild to moderate acne.
  • Keratosis pilaris (Off-label treatment).
  • To rejuvenate the skin.
  • Severe acne in the children of the age of 12 years. (under the instruction of doctor)

How should you use this medication?

Always use this medication according to the prescription given by your doctor. Do not use this gel longer than the required or prescribed duration. Always wash your hands with a gentle soap before applying this medication. Clean the face with a non-foaming facial cleaner, pat the skin dry with a soft and clean towel. Then apply a thin layer of the gel over the affected areas. You should notuse any other products while using this medication. Always avoid the medication to apply around the areas of eyes, lips or mucous membrane. In the initial period of treatment, the acne become worsens for a temporary basis, but you will notice the improvement of your skin within 8-12 weeks.

What are the contraindications of this medication?

Even though, this medication increases the risk of the side effects of topical clindamycin, it has an ability to enhance the efficacy also of this medication. Apart from clindamycin, this medication can also interact with the following drugs:

  • Albuterol
  • Ibuprofen
  • Trazodine
  • Doxycycline
  • Zyrtec

How should you store this Adaferin gel?

You should store this medication at room temperature, away from heat and moisture. Keep the gel out of the reach of children.

What should you do if miss a dose?

Always take the missed dose once you recall it. Skip the missed dose if you remember it near the next dose. Do not try to apply the any extra dose to compensate the missed dose, because it can cause some complications like skin irritation, redness or scaling of the skin.

What happens if you take an overdose?

Always take immediate medical help if you take an overdose, because an overdose may lead to skin irritation, stinging sensation, redness or scaling of the skin.

What are the side effects of Adaferin gel?

Discontinue this medication if you catch any allergic reactions like skin bumps, breathing difficulty and swelling of the face, lips, throat, or tongue and take emergency medical help. On the first 4 weeks, your skin may become dry, red, itchy, scally or you may catch a burning sensation on the skin. Talk to your doctor immediately if you catch any of these symptoms.

You may also develop some side effects which are less serious like mild irritation, stinging or mild burning sensation on the skin. You should talk to your physician if you catch any symptoms which become bothersome.

What are the dosage regiment for both adult and children?

For adult:

  • Adaferin topical at 0.1% cream, 0.1% gel and 0.3% gel.
  • Should be applied at bed time, after washing your face.

For Paediatric patient:

  • Adaferin topical at 0.1% cream, 0.1% gel, 0.3%  gel
  • Between the ages of 12-18 years, apply on the affected area after washing with a non-foaming cleanser.
  • For the children of 12 years or below 12 years, safety and efficacy are not proved.

What are the precautions should be taken?

  • Do not use this medication to skin cuts, abrasions, sunburn or eczema.
  • You should always avoid the sunlight exposure by adopting some protective measures like use of sunscreens or other protection. Discontinue the medication if you develop any sunburn.
  • If you develop excessive irritation, you should use the gel less frequently and then gradually discontinue the treatment.
  • Always use other chemicals or cosmetics like astringent, skin cleanser or abrasive soap,   according to the instructions of your doctor, because concomitant use of the other chemicals may cause severe dryness of your skin.
  • You should always avoid the products containing glycolic acids or alpha hydroxyl.
  • Do not apply the medication around your eyes, lips, angle of the mouth or any cut of the skin, mucous membrane or eczematous lesion. Because it can cause irritation, eye infection or swelling.
  • You should always avoid wax exfoliation while using this medication.
  • It is not used in children below the age of 12 years, because the safety and efficacy is not confirmed.